2013年4月16日 星期二

Forgotten Promises

1. Vocabulary: Quizlet

2. Reading comprehension: mind map

3. Phrases

  • set sail (28)
  • hunger for (43): The vampires hunger for human’s blood. / The nation was hungering for change.
  • in victory (57)
  • by chance (62): I heard their talking by chance. / I win purely by chance.
  • put up the white sails (63)
  • escape from (81): My bird is trying to escape from its cage again. / Trying to escape from my busy life, I took a vacation.
  • in return (93): I am just watching for a chance to punish him in return!
  • keep you promise (97)
  • bound for (109): That ship is bound for South America.

4. Grammar 

  • It would be much better if they were slaves. (32)

2013年3月4日 星期一


2013年秋季班結業考範圍如下: The black death, Killer robots, Spanish flu, Forgotten Promises, Leonardo, Chocolate等六課。

2013年2月25日 星期一

2013年1月7日 星期一





p.s. 幫外語學科拿海外教材的同學,麻煩你們了!

2013年1月6日 星期日

The lessons for the spring semester (2013)

Lesson for the mid-term exam

  1. Making Movies
  2. The Black Death
  3. Killer Robots

Lessons for the final exam
  1. Forgotten Promises
  2. The Spanish Flu
  3. The Last Letter