2010年11月30日 星期二

Changes in the Family

新增影片1. Pre-reading questions
  • How many people are there in your family? Do you live with your grandparents? Does your mother need to work outside the home?

2. Reading comprehension questions
  • What are a nuclear family, single-parent family, a blended family, and an extended family? (P1-4)
  • What is the benefit of living in an extended family? (P5)
  • What change happened in American families in the last century? What reason could explain this change in families? (P6)
  • Why did mothers no longer stay at home? (P7)
  • What are explanations for an increase in the number of single-parent families? (P8)

3. Usage and grammar
  • This was especially important in societies where mothers had to work outside the home, raising crops or gathering food. (lines 26-28)
  • Mothers could work outside the home while other family members were available to take care of the children ... (lines 29-31)
  • The growth of industry made it possible for many yound people to leave their families ... (lines 35-37)
  • Since 1970, the number of ... has increased tremendously. (lines 50-51)

4. Collocations
  • consist of (line 4)
  • a quarter of ... (line 7)
  • raise crops (line 28)
  • gather food (line 28)
  • take care of (line 30)
  • do household tasks (line 31)
  • one of the biggest changes in families (line 32)
  • a decrease in the number of extended family (line 33)
  • a majority of children (line 37)
  • as long as (line 41)
  • before long (line 47)
  • contribute to (line 65)
  • adapt to (line 69)

5. Quizlet

2010年11月22日 星期一

Robert Scott: A Race to the South Pole

1. Cool Antarctica

新增影片2. Pre-reading questions
  • Where is the South Pole?
  • How is the Antarctica different from the Arctic?
  • What kind of climate does Antarctica have?
  • Which animals can be found in the Antarctica?

3. Reading comprehension questions
  • Who are Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott? (P1)
  • What was the contribution of Scott's first expedition to the Antarctica? (P2)
  • What was the goal of Scott's second expedition? (P3)
  • How is Amundsen's plan different from Scott's? (P4)
  • What other differences are there between the two expeditions? (P5)
  • How difficult was Scott's expedition? What mistake did he make during the journey? (P7)
  • How was Scott's return trip? (P9)
  • How did Scott record his expedition? Did Scott's team succeed in returning home? (P11)

4. Usage and grammar
  • ..., but he planned to have his men pull the sleds ... (line 25)
  • ..., he sent all but four men back to the base camp. (line 52)
  • They became exhausted and had more and more difficulty pulling their sleds. (line 70)
  • Then another became so weak that he knew he was endangering the lives of theothers. (lines 72-73)

5. Collocations
  • lead an expedition to ... (line 7)
  • a number of (line 17)
  • different from (line 21)
  • a ton of supplies (line 39)
  • ahead of the others (line 41)
  • because of blizzards (line 51)
  • full of supplies (line 64)
  • They became weak from hunger. (line 66)
  • ..., but he is remembered as one of the great heroes of exploration. (line 94)

6. Quizlet

the lessons covered in final exam

There are four lessons required in final exam.

Unit 1, Lesson 2
Unit 3, Lesson 2
Unit 5, Lesson 2
Unit 6, Lesson 2

2010年11月17日 星期三

Reflections on your mid-term exam

Do you think the materials on this website help you do well on your mid-term exam? Your thoughts are appreciated.

2010年11月2日 星期二

2010年11月1日 星期一

Sleep and Dreams

1. pre-reading
  • Did you have a good sleep last night?
  • Have you dreamed lately?
  • Do you have trouble sleeping? How do you overcome the sleeping problem?

2. reading comprehension
  • How much do we know about sleep? What do scientists study about sleep? What are REM and NREM? (P1-3)
  • Why do we have dreams? How do we feel after horrible dreams? What can we benefit from having dreams? (P4-5)
  • During sleep, when do nightmares usually occur? How can people control their dreams? (P6-7)
  • What problems may happen for some people during their sleep? (P8-10)
  • How many hours of sleep are needed for average peopel each day? What can people do to combat sleeping problems? How much time would people spend sleeping in their whole life? (P11-14)

3. Usage and grammar
  • Each period of dreaming is a little longer, the final one lasting up to an hour. (lines 37-38)
  • They usually grow out of it by the time they become adolescents. (lines 46-47)
  • Children do not remember that they were walking in their sleep, ... (line48)
  • People snore because they have trouble beathing ... (line 57)
  • They stop breathing up to thirty or forty times an hour ... (line 59)
  • ..., or you may get so interested that you will not want to go to sleep ... (lines 87-88)

4. Collocations
  • average person (line 1)
  • ..., dreams can have positive effects on our lives. (line 30)
  • ... the brain may concentrate on a problem ... (line 31)
  • fall asleep (line line 37)
  • ... changing the negative stories or thoughts into positive ones on paper. (line lines 43-44)
  • Some people have a habit of grinding their teeth ... (line 51)
  • ..., there will be permanent brain damage. (lines 63-64)

5. Mindmap: Sleep and Dreams

6. Quizlet