2010年12月27日 星期一


1. reading comprehension questions

  • What are the top three buildings in the world now? (P1)
  • What was the problem with the buildings made of stone? (P2)
  • How could we make skyscrapers possible? (P3)
  • What are the advantages of buildings with metal beams? (P4)
  • What were the problems architects and engineers had to solve? (P5-6)
  • What contributed to the rise of skyscrapers in the United States? (P7)
  • Name a skyscraper built in the 1931 in New York . (P8)
  • What was the city plan in Europe after World War II? (P9)
  • Why did Japan not have tall buildings? / How did they solve their problem? How do dampers work? (P10)
  • What technologies can be used to build skyscrapers? (P11)
  • Do we really need skyscrapers? (P12)

2. collocations

  • The tallest buildings were made of stone. (line 12)
  • They had to prevent the buildings from moving too much in the wind. (line 42)
  • plenty of it (line 48)
  • across the United States (line 49)
  • over the years (line 51)
  • connected to (line 51)
  • throughout the twentieth century (line 56)
  • Over the years, many problems connected to high-rise buildings wer solved. (line 51)
  • Throughout the twentieth century, other countries were building skyscrapers too. (line 56)
  • all over the city (line 86)

3. grammar and usage

  • The taller the building was, the thicker the low walls had to be. (line 14-15)
  • ..., there were elevators run by electricity, which were fast and light enought to use in skyscrapers. (line 37-38)
  • ..., thousands of immigrants were entering the United States from Europe.
  • Cith planners rebuilt many of the buildings exactly as they had been, ... (line 59-60)

4. Quizlet

5. Batlyrics: Skyscraper by Eskobar

2010年12月22日 星期三

2010 Christmas Karaoke

  • 2組4班

  • 3組3班

  • 3組6班

2010年12月15日 星期三

Christmas Blessings!

Leave a Christmas message to someone special.

Celebrating Christmas!

Christmas is coming up! Celebrate this special occasion by participating in karaoke contest through KaraokeParty. Have you formed your group and chosen the song you want to sing in class?

2010年12月13日 星期一

2010年12月12日 星期日

2010年12月8日 星期三

Listening practice

1. Changes in the Family on Listen and Write-Dictation.

2. KaraokeParty

2010年12月7日 星期二


1. pre-reading questions
Which of the following situations would make you most nervous?

  • seeing a rat in the street
  • travelling by airplane
  • travelling by motorcycle
  • seeing a large spider in the bathroom
  • making a speech to a large audience
  • standing on a roof
  • an important exam
  • walking home alone late at night
  • swimming alone in deep water
  • making a parachute jump

2. reading comprehension questions
  • How do people feel about flying in an airplane? (P1)
  • What are the three common phobias? (P2)
  • Is flying more dangerous than riding in a car? / What are people with a phobia about flying afraid of? (P3-4)
  • What do older people feel about the noise and people at an airport? (P6)
  • What are the real reasons for people's phobia about flying in an airplane? (P7-8)
  • In special classes, how can people learn to overcome the fear of flying ? (P11-12)
  • Are these classes useful? (P13)

3. collocations
  • once in a while (line 4)
  • get on an airplane (line 5)
  • prevent ... from ... (line 6)
  • be afraid of ... (line 8)
  • millions of ... (line 18)
  • get into a car (line 20)
  • have no control over anything (line 40)
  • ride in a plane (line 61)

4. usage and grammar
  • Riding in a car is thirty times more dangerous than flying, ... (lines 18-19)

5. Quizlet

Language lab sessions

12/9 (Thurs) 第2節: 三組三班

12/21 (Tue) 第1、2節: 三組六班

12/22 (Wed) 第3、4節: 二組四班

Please go to the language lab as scheduled.