2011年3月15日 星期二


1. pre-reading
  • Are you left-handed?
  • Do you get used to working or playing with left-handers?

2. reading comprehension

  • What are the functions of right and left hemispheres? (P2)
  • How are left-handers related to the brain? (P3)
  • In what ways would left handers have an advantage? (P6-7)
  • What are the problems for left-handers? (P8-9)
  • What is the historical development of writing systems in the world? (P10)
  • Why are writing systems of Chinese and Japanese easy for righ-handed people? (P11)
  • Is the percentage of left- and right-handed people the same? (P11)
  • What is people's belief about "left"? (P12)
  • Name some famous people who are left-handed. (P13)
  • How can we know if people are left-handed? (P14)

3. collocations
  • preference for (line 1)
  • divided into (line 6)
  • differences in (line 18)
  • adjust more easily to seeing underwater (lines 30-31)
  • If they lift their hand from the paper, ... (line 46)
  • the same as ... (line 76)
  • in good company with (line 96)

4. usage and grammar
  • There would be even more left-handed people in the world if many people were not forced to use their right hand. (lines 3-4, conditional)
  • ... enjoy swimming underwater. (line 29)
  • start permitting schoolchildren to write ... (line 66)
  • Despite this, many famous people ... (line 82)
  • ... one circle in one direction and the other circle in the other direction. (lines 94-95)
5. Quizlet

2011年3月14日 星期一



The best website for English learning ever.

Japan - Vast Devastation

Japan - Vast Devastation

We share the same feeling as those people in Japan, wishing they would be safe and sound.

Top 10 tips for learning a language

Top 10 tips for learning a language


What are the top 10 tips? One of them is: Repeat, repeat, and repeat. How can we enhance this practice? You know that, which I have been promoting. What is that?

2011年3月1日 星期二

Sessions for Language Lab

  • 3/9 (三)7、8節:3組3班
  • 3/15(二)1、2節:3組6班
  • 4/13(三)3、4節:2組4班

