2011年2月28日 星期一

The Garbage Project

1. Reading comprehension questions
  •  What did archaeology students of Arizona university do? For what? (P1)
  • Where did the students go to study garbage? (P2)
  • What did the students find in the garbage project? (P3)
  • What was also found in the garbage project? (P4)
  • What is the best way to dispose of our garbage? (P5)
  • What is the common hazardous waste we can find at homes? How do they affetc our environment? (P6-7)
  • What are the positive and negative aspects of recycling programs in North America? (P8)
  • Is garbage a new problem? How can we deal with it? (P9)

2. collocations
  • old refuse (line 2)
  • contemporary society (line 6)
  • different from (line 25)
  • ... they compared this to what people threw away. (line 27)
  • dispose of (line 34)
  • depend on (line 35)
  • on the other hand (line 38)
  • full of (line 41)
  • in the ground / on the ground (lines 46, 49)

3. grammar and usage
  • Since then, students have studied garbage ... (lines 7-9)
  • While the students were studying the garbage, they wore special colthes ... (lines 12-13)
  • That was surprising to the students, ... who had predicted that ... (lines 18-21)
  • People could avoid this problem by using rechargeable batteries. / Since 1982, Toronto has reduced the amount of garbage going to its landfills by twenty-five percentage. (lines 47, 59) 

4. Quizlet

2011年2月19日 星期六

Women and Change

1. pre-reading: Women in south Africa (Qwiki)
    How much do you know about women in south Africa?

2. Reading comprehension
  • What do we mean by "Women hold up half the sky"? (P1)
  • List positive evidence about the conditions and rights of women in the world. (P2)
  • Why is the increase of girls in school a change from the past? (P2)
  • How much do official organizations in many countries do for women? (P3)
  • How much do women contribute to the world's work? (P3)
  • In what ways are women not equal to men? (P3-4)
  • How much do women in developing countries produce food? (P5)
  • What changes have been made for women in the world? (P6-7)

3. Collocations
  • Reports have been published on ... (line 4)
  • throughout the world (line 5)
  • official organizations (line 7)
  • pass laws (line 10)
  • domestic work (line 24)
  • government positions (line 31)
  • positions are held by women ... (lines 33-34)
  • collect firewood/water (lines 45, 47)
  • improve agricultural skills (lines 51-52)
  • legal rights (line 59)
  • living conditions (line 59)
  • benefit from ... (line 60)

4. Grammar and Usage
  • ..., they earn about half as much as men, ... (line 27)
  • ..., she spends an hour washing the dishes and her children. (line 49)

5. Quizlet

2011年2月14日 星期一

English Pronunciation - F & V

Hi! My students, did you enjoy your winter break? We are going to meet next week. Of course, we will get started with English learning. Here comes a video instruction for "English Pronunciation - F & V." I know, some of you, particularly Indonesian students, may pronounce the two sounds differently from others. Hope this video is of help to you.